Rubrika: Uncategorized

  • Koulovačka *1

    Koulovačka *1

    První díl vánočního večírku Koulovačka*1 je tady! Doražte za námi v pátek 22.12. od 20:00 do Anežky na dobrej drink a přehlídku těch nejlepších současných kapel & DJs! Zváni jste všichni! Hlavně ti, kteří nezanedbají dresscode Creative Black Tie, protože bejby ani letos nebude sedět v koutě! 🪩🕺🏻🍸 Chceme se s vámi hlavně potkat na…

  • About November/23 Artwork

    About November/23 Artwork

    In this comprehensive article, the author embarks on an exploration of a mesmerizing piece of abstract art, comprised solely of black and white drops. The core of the discussion revolves around the genre of abstraction, which celebrates non-representational imagery, unleashing the limitless potential for interpretation and evoking a wide spectrum of emotions. The artwork itself,…

  • The Birth of SULFUR*

    The Birth of SULFUR*

    In the heart of our vibrant and creative city, a remarkable transformation began with the establishment of Sulfur Collective, a dynamic and unconventional art collective. Founded by Honza Voženílek and his close friend Martin Jáchym, Sulfur Collective is a passionate endeavor that brings together artists, visionaries, and enthusiasts who share a common love for the…

  • Exhibition STRAHOV

    Exhibition STRAHOV

    Photography is an art form that has the power to capture moments in time and transform them into lasting memories. When the lens of a camera is focused on a historic location like Strahov Stadium in Prague, the results are nothing short of mesmerizing. In this article, we will explore a remarkable photography exhibition that…